> Japan's a great country, and has the advantage of a crumbling
> banking system along with an inflated currency. My brother lived
> there for years and is still fluent in Japanese. Over there, trust
> is a substantial issue in business (you might say Japan's a series
> of 1mdc's!) so IMO an exchange might have a few hard years at
> first, but I agree that they'll be successful.

If an exchange went in like say "Toys R Us", yes, they would be hit over
the head by the ancient "Keiretsu" (or as some call it) "The Japanese
Business Iron Curtain"; because a "gaijin" or "outsider" is really NOT
welcomed there.

Yet, on the other hand if an exchange went in like say "McDonald's" and
'incorporated' and 'utilized' the "Keiretsu", the concepts and business
would be adopted rather quickly DUE to the present demand for a viable

Yes, 'trust' IS a major issue; but "giri" or "loyalty" is MUCH more
significant in Japan. This is where the "Keiretsu" comes into play. The
"Keiretsu" (pronounced kay lay tsu) is nothing more than a "giri"
(pronounced gi dee) based system which dictates the direction and
adoptions of business movement in the country. "Uwasa" or "word of mouth"
is as powerful in Japan as it is on the Internet.


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