Some who have $10000 worth of e-gold, but that are very few accounts actually, they
can come earn $200 a year...
Who is going to risk $10000 of gold inorder to earn $200 a year?

Actually Danny believe it or not there are a NUMBER of 1 kilogram 1mdc "Lodgements" earning a bonus of the figures given !!!!!!

Looking at the stats page I see a couple of 1000s, a number of 200s, 500s, etc

In retrospect it was such an obvious idea --- the best possible promotion is to JUST GIVE AWAY e-gold.

The "lodgements" promotion has to end soon, and it has introduced many people to the wonders of 1mdcGrams. So if you have 100s of grams of e-gold sitting around, stop paying the storage fee and make a lodgement to see how it works. Take 1mdc's gold for free!

Also, in the 1mdcGRAMS system per se {recall that the lodgements are purely a promotion} 1mdc has attracted numerous customers who use egold in the kilo-few kilos range. (Probably, they value the privacy.)

Also, 1mdc is only really interested in the business of those with LOTS AND LOTS of gold :-) So it works out well.

The only problem at the moment is I want 1mdc to STOP GROWING for a couple months while we do the new software and a few other secret surprises.


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