At 7:42 AM +1000 6/4/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>But what "newbies" or "newcomers"?

>>The only human beings, ever, who have ever clicked on the URL 
>> are human beings on THIS EMAILING LIST.

>>ie you, me and a few others.

>>In what other possible manner could anyone have heard about 1mdc? 
>>How?  (I'd like to know - really!)
>JMR Wrote:
>One word:  Hettinga.  :)  

>Regarding the stats page, I guess you need to be like me and a few
>others here, who've seen it from its (VERY lame!) inception. Nobody
>thinking about marketing would have EVER considered publishing it
>"in the beginning." There were usually LESS than ten e-gold spends
>every 24 hours, for example! 

1 MDC is International, World Wide, 24/7, and has click able links to it
from other sites.  1 MDC has the best action going for it and that is VIRAL
MARKETING, or word of mouth, just like pay pal.  But unlike pay pal does
require a CC and BANK ACCOUNT!

My 72 year old Mother as a "newbie" does not subscribe to this list,
 nor does she even quite understand the internet, egold, nor does she
trust the price of gold (POG) to remain a safe investment.

But she does have an e-gold account in order to utilize a 1 MDC account as
an e-tool for e-gold, and is able to understand how to enter her account
safely and loves free gold! and for a limited time;-).  IMHO This makes 1
MDC incredibly VIRAL, trustworthy, and a killer-user friendly- app!  It is
hands down stellar major -bleeding edge even in its 'lame days', because of
its promise to account holders and to the internet itself. It is the best
thing to come along since e-gold.

I tell everyone I meet about e-gold, I wear the tee-shirt, I stick the
stickers, each auction I list, offers an e-gold payment option, my site
offers most e-gold related payment systems like 1 MDC and Pecunix, don't

I remain amazed over some Technically Savvy types who just don't get 1 MDC,
but I know they will, give it time.  I do not trust the United States any
day now their pyramid scheme will collapse and bread will be $10,0000 like
Germany in the 20's.  That is why I have e-gold.  Who will collapse first?
the World? the US government? or e-gold and 1 MDC?.  Is 1 MDC Enron?

It is good to be aware, who do you know?, i.e. do not be caught with your
pants down, but fear not, for fear is only doubt, raised into worry, that
only imprisons ones mind.  The internet despite its evil and greed has
enabled the old concept of JP Morgan signing his name on rock with an
amount that would be presentable on a bank in the old days.  As far as
e-gold and 1 MDC and the others are concerned, one must ask how greedy is
ones soul? A mans signature (or e-gold payment) is as good as his word, if
one can not identify a person then there is no one, if  words can not be
trusted then there is no deal.  Technically its very easy to identify a
bogus web site, because knowledge is power.  Thus far e-gold and 1 MDC have
operated like clock work.  Will the clock be stolen or broken, I don't know
I am fearful.

Kind Regards
Mark S. Ohberg

K.I.A.C. Global Numismatics
New York US

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