How about GOTI: Gold Ownership Transferrable by Internet?
... No, this is not the Gotti family! :)

Graham wrote: "e-gold took YEARS to get to the same level"

That's because E-gold works on a professional level! They're not trying to
attract "people" who just want to get rich. They work with the
professionalism of a bank (... a "real" one). The ultimate proof: the
storage fee, since they actually store the gold with a third party; of
course, this could be compesanted with the transfer fee. That's why they
also don't want a repudiable system. What bank does so?!

Mariman Center wrote "So, WHY does e-gold let dozens (or maybe HUNDREDS) of
e-gold accounts used for such scams ?"

Hello! Did anybody say... court order? Does your bank freeze your account
because they... think you're a scammer (no insinuation here)? I wonder if
Swiss banks should be crucified for the accounts of... criminals??

Graham wrote: "Hey, there's not a perfect ecurrency"

Egold is the perfect ecurrency, but there are no perfect people to use the
perfect system! ;)

I imagine the reserve excess exists because of rounding methods, I mean,
when you transfer hundreds of milions of USD equivalent (over the years),
less than 3000 USD doesn't seem much, does it?

George Hara


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