JMR> e-gold does not take it upon itself to do this, absent a court
JMR> order!

That  is  a good point if it is true, but you don't wait for any Court
order to put a limit on any account that you FEEL suspicious !

JMR> Really? I'm not! Why would they do such things?!? Where in their
JMR> account agreement does it mention "monitoring for lots of spends,
JMR> so we can protect idiots from themselves"? How are you sure of
JMR> something like this, anyway? Any actual evidence?

Evidence ? No of course, how could I ? "I am sure" doesn't mean "I can
prove" :-)

But  as  we  also are developpers, it seems natural to have some alert
systems, for example to protect against hacking attempts etc.

JMR> 2 different businesses, but e-gold behaves according to its
JMR> seldom-read account user agreement...Currency exchanges are free
JMR> to have their own policies. Some have, in the past, promoted
JMR> scams, even when it was blatantly-obvious they were scams. Go
JMR> read the list's archives if you doubt me...

I have no doubt that some MM are scammers, don't worry :-) I have also
no  doubt  that MOST of them (if not ALL) will kindly close their eyes
and  don't  ask  too many questions for high volume of exchange - that
means  high fees for them. I perfectly know that the "conditions" that
are  written  on  the  websites can be turned off for requests when it
means a lot of $$$ !

JMR> I guess so. He's not in the directory, either, is he?? Should he
JMR> be censored for his economic ignorance when he's not a scammer
JMR> himself (well, directly)? He's an amateur journalist who writes
JMR> about questionable stuff, IMO.

IMO,  e-told is one of those who gets the most benefits from all scams
Amateur  journalist  ? If any "journalist" would offer such tribune to
scammers anywhere in the world, he wouldn't stay journalist for a long
time !

>>By allowing some admins to publish their "results" every day before
>>they disappear, e-told is DIRECTLY involved in their scams.

JMR> I don't get their letters, but that's certainly possible. If so,
JMR> what should e-gold do about this person's speech? I want the
JMR> folks who think the Earth is flat to use e-gold, I totally think
JMR> the world is round, though.

I  do  not  ask  e-gold  to change their policy, every body is free. I
simply  point  that  when  "the  crowd"  crucifies some market-makers,
people should better look at everybody, including e-gold itself.

>>IMO anyway, I think that people should be adult, and if they loose
>>what they earned bybeeing stupid, well... That's their problem.

JMR> Agreed. So you'd do exactly what e-gold does, then??

hmmm... The past owner of Mariman decided to shutdown ALL domains that
he  was  hosting, 2 years ago, that were HYIPS. I saw his files, there
were  a  lot.  He  decided that after receiving a few complaints about
scams.  Now  such  domains have moved to another hosting company (that
is also reading this list too...).

On  my side I will also decline all kinds of "investment programs", we
are naive enough to have a certain degree of morality :-)

My opinion is that idiots should be scamed one or 2 times to know what
is life, BUT I won't participate in the scam !

>>But so, no difference of treatment should be made between e-gold
>>that "isn't a cop" and market-makers that "aren't cops". And who
>>both make profits from the scammers :-)

JMR> Once again, the myth. Look, full time employees are EXPENSIVE!
JMR> e-gold makes LOSSES on scams, they're UNPROFITABLE for it!! Why
JMR> do you think I'm so welcoming & accommodating on this list?

I  saw some files about a domain that was hosted at Mariman some years
ago.  A HYIP that turned to a big scam (That is right after that, that
all  HYIPS were shutdown from the servers). There were an average 1500
transactions by day.

How  much does e-gold earn on a transaction ? At that time, I think it
was $0.50. That means $750/day fee...

JMR> Exactly. TGC isn't a scam, IMO (but who knows!). What I'm trying
JMR> to convey is that unlike you seem to think, there are shades of
JMR> grey in all this. Black and white would be obvious scams like
JMR> OSgold, but a lot of stuff out there is on the edge of
JMR> legitimate, IMO.

HOW  can  a  "program"  that  offers  for  example  1%  a  DAY  can be
legitimate? If you know how they do, tell me please !

JMR> Should e-gold try to kill JP's 1MDC, for example? He's awfully
JMR> secretive, you know, and he pays that storage fee. Suspicious
JMR> guy, eh? ;)

OOps NO NO, we trust him, concretely :-)

BTW  the  diference  between what he offers (2% a year) and what HYIPS
offer, hmm ?

JMR> No, a lot of them claim to invest in other scams, believe it or
JMR> not.

That's  the  story  of a famous "market maker" from the Netherlands, I
think ? LOL !

JMR> They may not be all that bright, but some of them *are* honest to
JMR> their prospective victims about all the stupidity...Additionally,
JMR> in this very thread we've seen presumably-legitimate explanations
JMR> for very high returns (not that I'd want to risk some of them!).
JMR> Do you have any idea how many shades of grey there are? I don't.

I  know  some people that make easily 50% in a year, on large amounts,
in honest business. But such people don't need the internet nor e-gold
to do their business...

JMR> I've seen plenty of 'em couch themselves in "game" terms, too. I
JMR> see a lot of this stuff because I deliberately get spam. I'd say
JMR> the minority these days say 'invest' and the majority say 'game.'

Yes sure, but you are able to see the difference between a game and an
investment, I guess !

JMR> PS Guys, you're takin' after US journalists! I don't OWN any
JMR> .45s! (I have some .45 ammo because .45s are quite common, but I
JMR> use other calibers for target and self-defense stuff.)

Better to use Kalachs !

Mariman Center

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