On Tuesday, July 1, 2003, at 11:17 AM, Ben 
Legume wrote:

>> And thanks for the person who advised me about
>> Goldbarter. I used to use them for my auctions
>> of WMDs, container ships full of narcotics,
>> suitcase nukes and the like, but ever since I
>> found out they banned slave dealing (one of my
>> favourite re-enactment hobbies) I have been
>> boycotting them. Let me know if they drop the
>> slavery ban and I may start listing there 
>> again.

>Ben, as a businessman you know you just have to 
>use your head and make your own opportunities.  
>I note that slavery is still practiced in the 
>Sudan, so you might want to try registering 
>slaveauction.sd .

Good Idea! I was thinking of going with E-Slave 
or Slavery.com, but I will take it under 
advisement. Regrettably the quality of slaves 
 from the Sudan (and in fact most of Africa) is 
atrocious. We have a fleet of fast little ships 
who can easily reach seaside towns in North 
America and Europe, and we can sell anyone there 
we can catch in Africa quite easily and for a 
good profit.

Those (non-slave) auctions by the way are 
hotting up:


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