Dear techHead, aka William,

say that it is becoming rather offensive.

I agree.

Many, many people have lost their lives and familes
distraught for centuries due to the slave trade in

I think slavery is an abhorrent practice, even in humor, which is where I gather Ben Legume was coming from. (Legume = Bean? Is that you David Bean?)

The reason won't allow auctions
for humans on its site is because slavery is offensive,
it is wrong, it is immoral, it is unworkable, and it
is horrid.

On the other hand, people are free to make jokes
about it.  I choose not to do so, out of respect
for those harmed by the enslavement process.

I suspect that a lot of the people posting jokes
about it on this list are tax slaves of one sort
or another.  It might be that their humor is a
sort of whistling past the graveyard.



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