Dear Ben,

What a lot of people seem to forget is that e-
gold (or any equivalent) system works a lot
better and cheaper when the number of out-
exchanges is minimal.

I agree. Excellent argument. Robert Ziegler has made this argument before. He proposes minimal in-exchange fees so everyone can get e-gold quickly and easily, but really brutal, heavy, costly out-exchange fees. Should be good for market development. Of course, it isn't "the way Omnipay is doing it."

In essence it is a form of barter.

You mean, like Gold Barter? As in Brilliant idea - Tristan Petersen, Summer 2000. The execution still leaves a bit to be desired.

pay some prospective actress in Barbados to
strip-tease in front of a web-cam

That's a bit more information than I need.

etc. the fees I have incurred are minimal.

That's true. And if the new users can inexchange easily, but outexchange is costly, that serves the market creation function well.

trojans I have planted in my emails etc.

Trojans? What are you doing with name brand condoms in your e-mails?

This initial experience puts them off the system.

A certain number are also put off by having their friends tell them about a nifty investment deal and then they get ripped off by a scam. Or they get screwed by escrow fraudsters. Also puts them at Big Brother's doorstep.

The way to get around this? Try to educate
people when they first open an account.

You mean, with detailed pages like found at on the how and why?

All e-gold does to promote itself

You could ask Jim Ray what he does to promote e-gold. I think, though, that e-gold is based on a different business model. is the monks sitting in a vast library somewhere, ardently copying pages from one manuscript to another, out of love, paid a pittance, and living in caves. (A guy named Doug Jackson told me about this metaphor, April 2002.) E-gold also has bumper stickers, T-shirts, and the occasional bug bounty or something.

It is really the job of outfits like QuanExchange
to do the market development.  What's their motive?
Those payment receive fees are split with the
originator of new accounts.



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