The Moon is largely private property, as are the other celestial bodies in
the solar system .
Of course, I'd put Russian nukes at $7,000,000 each on my satellites and
Iraqi bio-chemical agents with North Korean long distance missles on my
space station. As soon as we find them, that is.
This then should deter anyone from messing with my orbital toys.

I'll add <joke> tags in future, when I end a hair raising but nevertheless
possible outcome of an analysis with a ridicilous suggestion, to make
things easier.

Weird though, that you didn't have an opinion to the other, more serious
suggestions, namely that the US/EU are likely to go after the exchangers
when e-gold get's too big, because they won't be able to touch the
currency operators - most of them, at least.
IMHO, this is something to seriously think about, because Bush Junior
might get another 4 years, and has a brother with experience in stealing
Given another 13 years in office between them, they would shape the World
in their own image (God have mercy on us all).


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