This is one of these bizarre internet discussions...

In any first-world court ..... it is just utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly inconceivable that you could get away with having "e-gold" in a name.

Honest. I'm not lying. It's just a non-starter. There is nothing to discuss here.

No, you can not go "etrade" or "eTraDe" or "my name is Mr. E'ttie Rade'insky, honest!" or "but the 'trade' goes with the next word!!!!!!" or "et-rade," etc.

By all means, if you are a cambodian company or some neo-virtual presence on Sealand or something, e-gold is not going to be able to "get" you anyway, and if you merely have some sort of parked DOM that you arguably dont use or whatever - sure.

But I'm just saying, purely in terms of the "intellectual argument" about whether - in first world courts - you could get away with ANYTHING with "egold" or "e-gold" in it, the answer is "of course not," it's just a non-starter, it's silly.

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