Dear James,

I continue to enjoy visiting your web site.

Many of my business associates have identified one or another
problem with  On the plus side, Steve Renner
has been very frequently in contact with me by e-mail, and
has resolved some of these difficulties.

It remains my view that Steve Renner is an honorable man,
and that his company has honorable intentions toward its
customers.  I believe Steve is aware of many of the problems
customers are experiencing, and is working diligently to
resolve them.

I won't argue against your view that their customer service
is inadequate at this point.  I think it is.  I also think
recent updates to their web interface haven't been fully
tested across various platforms and browsers.

Nor will I argue that taking five days to fund a card is
a bit tedious for you.  It is, and that's a difficulty which
Cash Cards should remedy.  Maybe they can refund some of
the ATM card fees you incur when funding or owning a card?

Other cards are on offer from other vendors.  I think you
should check out the e-Bullion debit card available with
an e-Bullion account.

You may also wish to check on the Fidex card which
has been very reliable for me.



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