replies below:

> As soon as they were found out they took the list of sites down. But one
> webmaster, as seen in the first post on this page here:

I saw that in your last post liked from

> Managed to get a copy of the sites there. There are many of the sites
> there, including people's own homepages which just list PTR sites. They
> have even listed places like and

It is hard to prove the source. In my opinion a list as generic as this is not 
libelous in any way nor trully harmfull to anyone
especially since it is lacking in details.

>I even see AOL
> within their list. Now it might not be against the law, but what they are
> particularly doing is defamation to sites which they have never even
> bothered to look at in their lives.

There is a lot of stuff floating around right now regarding perfect 10 going after 
celbrity fake sites. They are probably going to
take google and others to court in an attempt to steal money from them for accepting 
advertisement money of a certain nature since
it is a well known fact that the actually purpetrators are either poor, or offshore, 
or both and not worth the time.

This AOL listing falls into the same category. I do not know if this site 
( has had any effect on anyone at all,
has actually brought a case against anyone or has even made a blip in the waters of 
the web although by you posting this sure helps
their popularity and i think that in their own way those who may be afraid of them the 
most are actually the ones shooting
themselves in the foot by promoting them as you are so plainly doing here whether you 
actually intend that or not. I do not see how
your post benefits this list, but If I am mistaken and anyone here feels the benefit 
of it then please speak up.

> They even have listed there, note it isnt
> is a different site all together. (not is owned by a guy that has proven his value to the world to 
be little as far as I am concerned so him
being on that list comes as no suprise.

> I think this site should be looked into because they have obviously got a
> grudge not just against the GPT industry, but the industy of online money
> making as a whole.

I am not the Police. Not the FBI. Not the CIA. Not the NSA not anything even remotely 
similar to any such organization, yet everyone
in the world thinks I should act as if I am such an organization including the 
organizations themselves as proven by the laws the
keep creating. For you to ask me to watch or "look into" a site for you is a complete 
and utter joke. This site takes a stand on
grey market sites and you fear your business continuity enough to actually post about 
this and promote them to however many
thousands of people?

If the site was breaking the law we would shut them down as per our terms of service 
agreement and AUP. I do not see how this site
is breaking any law and you need to:
A. write us privately before we would take this issue seriously
B. Show evidence

Now are you not the guy who writes all the scam alerts? Remember Privascam? Now you 
seem to be worried about some site who may find
you to be a scam. Interesting indeed.

Please post your URL's for me to review if you would be so kind.

Thank you

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