Dear Hannibal,

Yet you're fine with this, and refer to the action of
protecting one's rightful property from thieves as

Thanks for rising to the call on this one. I've left you a little something in yer tipjar. Go A-Team! Say hi to BA and especially Murdock.

What is the Matrix?

Thanks for asking. As I've quoted elsewhere:

"What is the Matrix?


"The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this. <Holds up battery>

"As long as the Matrix exists the human race will never be

The above quote comes from the Warner Home Video DVD, "The
Matrix" by the Wachowski Brothers. I've transcribed the actual
lines as delivered by Laurence Fishburne, though the subtitles
available on the DVD are somewhat similar.

The average American makes $38,000 per year annual income. This
figure is somewhat deceptive, since it includes a large number
of non-working persons, and fails to count the incomes of a
wide array of non-filing adults, children, and "illegal aliens"
among others. Over the course of a forty to fifty year career,
the average American will make over $1.5 million in income.
The government will obtain up to 38% of the income, and various
other governmental systems will take a further 12% of income.
Plus, the funds the individual spends on rent, food,
transportation, and other incidentals will be taxed as income
of others.

In other words, the system has found all the money it will
ever need. Better still, the currency used in all these
exchanges will very likely not be free market money. Instead,
it will in most instances prove to be Federal Reserve Notes.
This fiat money is allegedly legal tender, though there are
no penalties for refusing it. Redeemable for nothing, the
Federal Reserve Note is a promise to pay—but only in further
Federal Reserve Notes. The system which issues these notes is
not a part of the Federal government, it is not a
constitutionally authorized entity, and it benefits from
monetary inflation to a considerable degree.

As Beardsley Ruml pointed out in the 1940s, with the ability to
issue currency, the government has no need to tax. It can print
as much money as it will ever need. Therefore, in his view, the
function of taxes such as the income tax and the inheritance tax,
is not to fund the government or provide for constitutionally
mandated functions. Instead, the function of these taxes, he
wrote in his article for American Affairs magazine, is the
redistribution of wealth. From whom? From those capable of
producing wealth.

To whom? To those unable or unwilling to produce wealth.

In other words, the tax system exists to plunder. It loots from
the productive to provide salaries for bureau-rats and payments
to those unable or unwilling to work.

* * * *

I submit that there is no government. "The government" is an
illusion, sometimes consensual. In fact, there are only individuals. Individuals in "the government" get away with murder, theft,
lies, deceit, fraud, violence, viciousness, and betrayal. Were
those individuals without governmental sanction, they would be
merely bullies, killers, and thieves. They would deserve no
greater respect and no swifter punishment. As "the government"
however, they are understood to be immune from prosecution,
immune from lawsuits, immune from criticism. Even their own
treason against the constitution is considered acceptable,
whereas it is considered treasonous to accuse them of treason.



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