>> tax for people (not companies) is unique (no progressive taxation levels)
>> and around 14%, and they are doing well since it was introduced.

> Russia's income tax on wages is a flat rate of 13%.  Unique? No, the
> now has copied the policy.

David, as you can see in parenthesis, after "unique", I explained "no
progressive taxation levels" (as in 10%, 15%, 20%... as the income
increases). That's what I meant by "unique"; I should have said "flat" from
the start. Yes, there are several other eastern european countries using
this simple system.

 By "income" / "revenue" I mean all the income (salary, rent, interest,
investment returns, whatever) of a person (in this case I ignore companies),
from any source and in any form (money or goods, or any other kind of value
exchanged for services), income made on the territory where it is taxed.
Maybe in USA "income" is used in a different way, but this is what I meant -
the revenue. Of course, income that was already taxed is not added to the
total. If the revenues of companies are also added to the system, the flat
general tax can (I strongly believe) be decreased toward 5%.

I don't agree with property tax because the property either generates income
by what people do on it and so it would be taxed since it adds to the income
of a person, or it generates no income and so it shouldn't be taxed. Of
course, some people can choose not to do anything with their land, which
would negatively affect the local economy, but I still don't agree with
taxing the property since it was bought (= it changed owner). In such a
case, the state (if it is the seller) can stipulate in the contract that the
owner must generate revenue with the property or sell it, else the property
goes back to the state.

George Hara


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