In New Zealand and Australia the key leaders in both the 'conservative'
and Labor parties (not necessarily the rank and file members) learnt
from the economic devastation of the 1970s and 1980s that Keynes was
dangerously wrong. Stimulation by government spending does not for long
decrease unemployment (or increase employment) and it always bites you
on the bum with a vicious cycle of ever-increasing debt and interest
costs and rates, inflation, reduced investment, unemployment, increasing
welfare costs and government deficits and increasing taxes, ad

Australia and New Zealand had continued to wreck the economy throughout
the 1980s while USA had prosperity. It was not until about 1990 or so
that both neighbouring countries decided they had to bite-the-bullet
(make the temporarily painful decision) and begin to pay off the
national debt and to adopt *less* Keynesian policies.

The first step in having a budget surplus is *deciding* to permanently
have a budget surplus! That is, to have a continually reducing debt and
at some point in the future to have no government debt whatsoever and
never again to have a deficit. Also taxation reduction is a key element,
that will come into play as the debt approaches zero. 

On the other hand, USA (Bush) seems to have abandoned all fiscal common
sense (if he ever had any) and in his destruction-lead economy proceeded
on a mad rush to phenomenal debt and future tax increases, with present
insane spending, foreign war adventures and domestic totalitarianism. I
must admit that Australia too has spent hundreds of millions on this
war, but this is nothing to compare to the Bush trillions, and the
budget surplus (and positive economic growth) remains - according to

Ian Green

> From: FileMatrix
> Sent: Tuesday, 14 October 2003 10:16 PM
> To: e-gold Discussion
> Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Income tax

> New Zealand has been running a 
> large surplus of
> about 3-4% GDP for the last few years but the economy keeps 
> doing well.

> So, how does New Zealand do it?

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