On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, David Beroff wrote:

> > The one and only e-gold hacking software
> > that is 100% accurate, designed by a ex-e-gold programmer
> > http://www.freewebs.com/egoldhack/
> Amazing that he accepts e-gold, for if it were to work,
> then you could simply retrieve back the payment that you just
> made to him.  Alternatively, you could just give him your own
> account number and tell him to help himself to the payment. :-)

Two scenarios, one being more likely than the other:

Scenario 1): Its for real and all it does it try to brute force the Turing
number and the passwords. Unlikely.

Scenario 2): Its a scam, with varying levels of severity. He's probably
sending out a trojan to turn your computer into a zombie. "Try it with
your own e-gold account!" indeed, and send the password right back home
to papa. This thing will hack e-gold accounts alright, those who buy
it and test it on their own.


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