> >Yes, this is true , especially in the electronic age.
> You're probably right there Danny, money multiplies more efficiently
> with modern communication systems....and ever broader assets and
> liabilities are able to be included in the multiplying effect  :O

The modern communication systems change the whole game.
Instead of transferring something of value as payment, we can now simply
transfer the ownership of something (anything) as payment.
That's also what happens in the e-gold system. The gold never moves, but the
ownership is transferred.
That's a very fundamental step forward in the evolution of payment/money.
We can exchange ownership and no longer the stuff itself.

I don't see any chance for a move back towards a kind of gold standard.
Instead I expect a whole range of tangible assets coming 'online' as
money, and gold will be just one of them.

For example, why not an e-currency backed by real estate?
It could be better than gold.

Gold does not decay, but it does also not grow. An ounce of gold today will
still be the same ounce of gold in 10 years, in 1000 years,..
So, gold keeps value.
But gold is not the only thing that does not decay.
A piece of land is in the same category. An acre of land today will still be
the same acre of land in ??? years, ...
But land does grow stuff, and that's where it beats gold.
Every 20 years I can cut big trees on the land and harvest wood, or perhaps
every year I can pick apples...
The land remains there, but every so often something has grown out of it,
that's not the case with gold.

The conclusion must be that land is better than gold.

If you create 'e-land' , an e-currency backed by land ownership, you can
transfer pieces of the ownership just like we do with e-gold, but this
currency will be able to pay a yearly 'interest' based on the produce that
comes from the land, instead of charging a storage fee for protecting the

Similarly I expect to see 'e-stocks', an e-currency backed by stock
ownership in a basket of companies....

The electronic age is making everything 'liquid' and useable as 'money'
That trend seems unstoppable to me.


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