
> > You don't like Danny's e-land idea because of the historical
> > example of John Law.
> You oversimplify.  I dislike the e-land idea because land
> is not fungible.  Location determines its value.  I
> dislike it because there are known high storage costs in
> most jurisdictions in the form of property taxes.  I dislike
> Danny's specific implementation because he offers no

Okay, so it is the implementation you don't like, not the idea.

> Here you misuse the term "DGC" to represent all digital
> currencies.  Digital gold currencies or DGCs are those
> currencies where actual gold is involved.  The ones I
> find trustworthy, e-gold, Pecunix, GoldMoney, e-Bullion
> all have a stated redemption feature.  1MDC redeems to
> e-gold.  If one cannot bail in gold and one cannot redeem
> gold, then the currency is likely not gold.  OSGold was
> never proven to be a digital gold currency.  It was a
> digital scam.

Right, but when a business like e-land starts, no one can say "these are for
real, these are scammers". Time is needed to prove things. E-land can't be
redeemed because in small areas is useless, and in big areas there is still
the problem of homogeneity / location. But the land is still there, so there
is no evidence of scamming. In fact, people dealing with e-land don't need
to redeem it. They (at least this is why I am interested in DGCs) simply
need the low fees and instant payment. A catastrophe would be the only time
when most people would feel the need to physically own their digital asset,
but I don't want to live my life thinking a world war could show its claws.
But in spite of these facts, there is the psychological matter of people
feeling safer thinking at gold backing the currency, since it is compact and
if, in the remote case, they would redeem it, they could take it with them,

> I think silver and platinum carry similar levels of risk.
> I am still evaluating palladium.

Right, but as the asset backing a digital currency, gold is better than
silver because of its density (half the storage space), and better than
platinum because there is more gold than platinum in the world (so, more
liquidity). Taken as an investment opportunity, diversification is great.

> I have to admit being puzzled by
> various of your posts where you do indicate a belief in
> collectives.

It depends. I obviously don't think as you do when it comes down to law
enforcement (for example, it's not legal in Romania to own fire arms, except
in special cases, and I very much like it that way). I also believe paper is
a better exchange medium than gold is, and gold a better storage medium than
paper. I would rather use paper to pay for stuff, and gold to invest with
low risks. In the case of digital currencies things are different: I'm not
interested if gold or Euro (or even USD) is backing the currency, but I am
interested in the low fees and instant payment (plus the method E-gold uses,
including the legal terms).

You don't like the government / law enforcement, but I don't like the way
they are twisted by the idiots working at the top of these systems. I do
like the idea, I don't like the implementation (for example, for the
brain-washing machine they call "school")! ;)

George Hara


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