I agree with Robert on this also.

If you seperate our sales out to show just digital currencies it would look
something like the following:

50% e-gold
30% paypal (no comment)
10% evocash (doing better lately)
5% stormpay (they scare me and our money is stuck in it which pisses me off)
3% intgold
2% Pecunix - Gold Money - other

e-gold far and away has the market over others not counting paypal becasue
they do not count here but... It is fairly cut and dry in that regard. I do
not see how they are being threatened by any other currency at this time.
The sales numbers do not lie. e-gold has even overtaken our paypal sales
overall. Once in a while they battle it out but usually e-gold has the edge.
That is really impressive to me.

I would tend to believe that there would be a lot of people running around
with e-gold who would at least listen to an invesment opportunity although i
don't know how far you will get with an offering backed by an adult site
venture. That market is quite tough to break into without something really
unique to offer people and a lot of cheap quality traffic, but you never do

Gordon H.
Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

> Can anyone point to any IG business that takes in any amount of the
> Alternate IGs ??
> (I'd like to know!)

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