Dear Westgarth Books,

I guess everyone is going to be asking you sooner or later.
What is Radio Free Satan?  Does it accept e-gold?

The problem with that is that the majority of people seem
to lack basic critical listening/reading ability.

If you take the position that most people are ignorant, I must agree. Thomas Jefferson wrote that we must acknowledge that people are ignorant. Then one has a choice. One can either conspire to take their powers and liberties from them, or one can enlighten their ignorance.

Thoreau proposes that there is a third possibility which
Jefferson had not even realized, that one can be left
alone, and leave others alone in their ignorance.  I
think it remains to be proven, but I'm eager for an
empirical showing.

 In this age of media spin, I am amazed how often the
front pages of newspapers are full of articles which...
go on and on about what 'might', 'may' or 'could' be true.

Indeed. I heard a big fat blatant lie today on the ABC affiliate in Houston - the news anchor says that US law forbids Americans from gambling online. There is no such law. There are proposals in Congress to prevent Americans from using their credit cards in gambling online, and there are credit card companies that presently refuse service for customers trying to gamble online with credit cards, but there is *no* law forbidding online gambling.

You'd think the mainstream media have an agenda with
stuff like that going on, hmm?

Oh, and I encourage gambling online, because gambling is
a good, Bible-mentioned practice which everyone should
feel good about doing.  God wants you to gamble?  He
sure did make plenty of opportunities available.
Go now and gamble thou likewise!

the price of gold 'might' reach $400/ounce,

Is $399.20 close enough? <grin>

The price of gold will reach $400 per ounce, or, more
accurately, the price of dollars will reach one four
hundredth of an ounce of gold.  I don't know when, but
I'm willing to guess.

that Terrorists 'could be' planning this or that outrage.

Yes, those pesky terrorists. We vexed by them. <smirk>

We might as well write, "hobgoblins" in place of "terrorists"
in deference to HL Mencken.

George Bush, Tony Blair and the Queen might be planning a
Satanic Mass at Buckingham Palace,

I think they are! Have you read, _The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea_ by Tim Cohen? Fantastic book. It sets out to prove that the Prince of Wales is going to turn into the AntiChrist by the year 2019. Amazing stuff. One does so look forward to finding out if it is true. And still time for a sequel!

 where they may intend to sacrifice small children who could
be taken from among Iraqi refugees.

Of course! I can see it now in my mind's eye. Those vicious harlots! How dare they?! We should hang them all in effigy, or somewhere.

Nothing I have said in the paragraph above is necessarily
untrue. They 'might' be true or untrue.


This is similar to idiots who are unable to distinguish between
someone expressing a fact and expressing a personal opinion.

Well said.

If I state to one of these idiots "The Italian Socialist Party
wants to ban the sale of ice cream", they will say "You want to
ban the sale of ice cream!?!"

Very often. At this time, though, I have just one question for you, to whit, "Why do you want to ban the sale of ice cream?!" <grin>

But of course it is utterly pointless to sit around discussing
how stupid/ignorant/idiotic most people seem to be these days.

As JP May has so eloquently pointed out on this list and various others at various times, there is no point to Internet discussions. Anyone who thinks he is engaged in an Internet discussion for some purpose is making a mistake. Internet discussions are either self-actualizing or not. If you don't like the chatter, get out of the chatterbox. Or, something like that.

Tune in to
Tune in, Turn on, We'll Take You Straight to HELL!

I have to say that I have no desire for this product, but I do admire the forthright fashion in which it is promoted.

From the available literature, hell is eternal pain and
damnation and fire and punishment and not much fun.  If
you get a counter offer from, please do
let me know.  Heaven, by all accounts, is eternal life,
and that sounds like a much better deal.



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