Dear Gordon,

50% e-gold
30% paypal (no comment)

Wow! That's a lotta PayPal. I wouldn't want to have that much at risk, were it me. I hope you have good procedures for limiting your exposure to their ill will.

10% evocash (doing better lately)

I agree.

5% stormpay (they scare me and our money is stuck in it
which pisses me off)

I'd heard about BrightPay going under. I gather that StormPay is on its last legs?

3% intgold

You should probably steel yourself for the bad results to come on this one, given what I know. Seems like an OSGold in the making.

2% Pecunix - Gold Money - other

Does "other" include e-Bullion? If so, I'm a bit surprised they don't represent a larger share of your orders.

The sales numbers do not lie.


However, sales figures are like sewer pipes.  What you get
out of them depends in part on what you put into them. If
users have any perception that you prefer to be paid with
e-gold, they may do so out of a desire to mutual advantage.
There are all kinds of reasons why e-gold sales might be
higher which are not indicated in your sales figures.  For
example, there may be greater regional penetration of e-gold
among your clientele.

Users of certain industries may be extremely shy of, say,
PayPal, which is anti-adult and anti-gun and anti-other
stuff.  So, if you are hosting web sites in these specific
industries, that would explain the preference of users for

e-gold has even overtaken our paypal sales overall.

That's sorta neat. It isn't a wonder, though, given all the terrible practices at PayPal.

How do credit card sales compare?

 Once in a while they battle it out but usually e-gold has the edge.
That is really impressive to me.

And to me, too.

something really unique to offer people

I wonder if there would be a market for videos of zero gravity sex?



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