
I just created a Pecunix account. The system is great, it has a lot of
features, and I was intrigued by the way the Turing number became
unnecessary. The difficult part is the login. No way for a beginner to
complete the registration and log-in process.

Here are my suggestions:

Create the PIKs like this: put 16 letters one after another, each followed
by a random digit. For example:
"T0-M1-B2-C3-R4-V5-Z6-G7-J8-P9-D0-H1-N2-L3-F4-S5"; here you have 16 random
digits, which means there is a 2 / 10^16 average probability to crack the
PIK by brute force.

When an account is created, display all three PIKs as text to allow users to
copy and paste them into their (encrypted) files, without having to type
such complex strings in order to save them.

When the user logs-in, randomly choose (say) 5 letters and ask the user to
enter (through the combo-box, which in this case is much easier to navigate
since it has just 10 items) from the PIK, the digit right after the
associated letter. For example, for letter "T", the user has to enter "0",
for "M" it's "1".

Write how the user has to log-in, in the log-in form (don't make the user go
to the help page).

Implement this method at least for the read-only and limited access levels.
If you don't implement it for the full access level then make the default
log-in with the limited access level.

At the end of the registration process, display all user information in an
edit-box and put a button to copy the text to the clipboard, so that the
user could save it into a file:
* User name = ...
* User address = ...
* Account name = ...
* Password = ...
* Full access PIK = ...
* Limited access PIK = ...
* Read-only access PIK = ...
* Secret information = ...
* Log-in URL = ...
* PGP signature check URL =

In the merchant tools section it is very difficult to copy the HTML code
(since the cursor doesn't work in the edit-box). I think a button to copy
the code to the clipboard is required.

Have you thought at the "rebilling / payment request" idea discussed a few
weeks ago? (I know it is extremely complex.)

George Hara


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