Hello Jon,

> Sorry, we should mention to everyone that we have always had very good
> service through this company (Cyberfronier - cyberica.net) and this seems
> to be the first problem we have had from them over the past year of
> service. There site - www.cyberica.net is also down so their seems to be a
> serious problem somewhere.

Thanks for the flowers. The problem is simply that we have been DDOSsed
for three days now. We isolated and blocked the IPs of three waves of
attack (with short uptimes in between) and are now taking a more radical
approach to get it fixed (which we obviously can't post in public).
We should have done that right away, which would have saved two days, but
had no way of knowing how substanstial the attack would be. We also know
by now which site is being attacked and have a pretty good idea where it
comes from.

> We understand problems occure and just hope to get an answer back to when
> it will be solved.
Our first assessment was, 6 then 12 then 24 hours. That was two days ago.
Chances are that tomorrow the sun will shine again, but I can't say how,
because then 'they' would know.

Another item is that every email we received was answered within a couple
of hours - my earlier post here was meant to preempt emails, of course,
because each time we answer one, we spend time.

Obviously, the support mail addy won't work if the site is down - which is
why I had posted an interim email address to get in touch with us, if need
be. For the same reason I posted an interim URL as part of the sig.

Last but not least, what site are you actually hosting with us? We can't
identify you by name (as you know)...

Thanks for patience and support,


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