Nyangkut di GENTENG... Ly... Rut Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Di sini Modie-nya ada yang cewe loghÂ…
2008/2/20, Setyawan Setyawan S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: HELLO, IMELKU NYANGKUT DIMANA KOK TERLAMBAT TERUS MASUKNYA???? Iwan Kecil " I_m QT Y! " PZ Cussons Plc - Incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company number 19457 Registered Office: PZ Cussons House, Bird Hall Lane, Stockport, Cheshire, SK3 0XN The contents of this message and any attachments to it are confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message in error you should delete it from your system immediately and advise the sender. To any recipient of this message within PZ Cussons, unless otherwise stated you should consider this message and attachments as "PZ CUSSONS CONFIDENTIAL" -- "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life" --------------------------------- Sent from Yahoo! - a smarter inbox.