>>>I should mention that some informed Wagnerologists believe Beckmesser is
actually an antisemitic caricature, an interpretation that can never be
dismissed out of hand with Wagner, who was one of the most outspoken racists
of his age,  and whose "Jewishness in Music" waxed with considerable zeal,
if not much clarity about the ill effects wrought by Jews, including

Yes, Howard, I am aware of this side of Wagner. We know what such an outlook
led to. Utterly abhorant. But do any of the pre-20th century composers stand
up to our present-day political stances? Very few, I imagine. This is a big
can of worms for a list such as this. Do you really want to get into it? I
don't. But I don't want people think I play Wagner because I agree with his
stance on the Jews...far from it. In all honesty, despite my comical gripes
about the whole affair, I feel very humbled against his genius. How often
have I the opportunity to be part of something of this grandeur? Not very
often. I find it overwhelming and uplifting, but I can't wait to get back to
quiet introspective lute, guitar and vihuela music - no matter what
Fuenllana/Dowland/Sor thought of Jews or any other
race/nationality/religious faction...


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