Dnia 1-09-2006 o godz. 19:37 Howard Posner napisa³(a):
> > the fact that Beckmesser is antisemitic 
> > caricature.
> Calling it a "fact" might be too strong.

I agree.

> So Wagner became the most outspoken antisemite in Europe because a 
> journalist once called him a Jew?

That is the story I heard about it. However, being no Wagnerian scholar I am 
not sure if this is a true story or not.
> > And in fact "Jewishness in music" is about bourgouis amateurs, with no 
> > education and respect to the art.
> Perhaps you haven't read it in a while.  It's largely an attack on 
> Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer. 

I am refferring to the general attitude of Wagner, while you are clearly 
refferring to one particular article. This is what the difference comes from.


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