Åke Sandgren <ake.sandg...@hpc2n.umu.se> writes:

> On 3/12/19 12:00 PM, Dr. Stefan Harfst wrote:
>> Dear Loris,
>> one way to achieve what you want is to use the modxxxfooter parameters in 
>> the eb-file (untested):
>> modluafooter = 'setenv("MCR_CACHE_ROOT", pathJoin("/scratch", 
>> pathJoin(os.getenv("USER"), "mcr_cache")))'
>> modtclfooter = 'setenv("MCR_CACHE_ROOT", pathJoin("/scratch", 
>> pathJoin(os.getenv("USER"), "mcr_cache")))'
> Note that modtclfooter must be written in tcl, not in lua, as it is
> written verbatim into the modulefile.
> Apart from that, this is one way of doing this.
> But the cache dir for matlab probably needs to be in the users home
> directory if you want MDCS to work. Or at least in a common filesystem,
> with a softlink from $HOME.

This is not for MDCS - we don't have that.  This is also the setup we
had working on our previous cluster, but where we didn't use Easybuild.

> If you install matlab using
> env LM_LICENSE_FILE=port@host eb MATLAB...eb then the LM_LICENSE_FILE is
> at least supposed to be written into the module file automatically. If
> it isn't then let us know.

This works.

> As far as i know there is no reason to set MATLABROOT or MCR_HOME (not
> even sure what the last one is supposed to do...).

These are settings which are required for running MATLAB scripts which
have been compiled with the MATLAB compiler

> We don't set any of them and things work perfectly as far as our users
> are concerned.

Do you use the MATLAB compiler?



Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de

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