> > export EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH=/run/user/$UID/eb_build
> > tmpfs                               19G   19G   30M 100% /run/user/983
> This clearly shows that your buildpath is full. So that is the issue. Try 
> using another buildpath, Kenneth is right, we make sure Bazel doesn't use 
> /tmp.
>>> I'd also suggest to join Slack as discussions there are potentially faster.
>> I'll take a look - are there instructions for Slack?
> https://easybuild-slack.herokuapp.com/
> > Alexandre: should we look for patterns like "No space left on device" in 
> > the Bazel output and highlight them better, perhaps with a concrete 
> > suggestion to use --tmpdir to avoid the usage of /tmp?
> We could in general put something into EasyBuild, yes. I started a PR with 
> enhanced error parsing which could maybe be used for that.

Since my name was mentioned (by mistake, but I’m happy), and I also spent an 
inordinate amount of time on tensorflow, 

Its build ALWAYS fills up our /tmp. So, yea, use some separate place.

At JSC, we have some patches for tensorflow 2.3.1 which might be slightly 
different from Alexander’s (which I would call official): 

And we set the compute_capabilites right at the easyconfig

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