I passed this article on to a friend who is a clinical epidimiologist, 
and was *I* surprised to hear her reaction.

She called me the next day all a-bubble with enthusiasm, and when I 
responded blankly she said, essentially ... "Don't you SEE?!?!  This is 
evidence that what we've been working toward is HAPPENING ... the 
feminization of the planet!!!  THINK of the possibilities for our 
evolution with reduced (NOT eliminated) testosterone ... less war, less 
territoriality, less ... YOU know.  And (here she chuckles) how tidy that 
it should be brought about by the very indivduals who are ravaging and 
polluting our planet; what sweet justice!"

This is quite a different spin from our present discussion.  What do you 
all think?

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 27 18:13:53 MDT 1995
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 17:15:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Faith Freewoman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bertina Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Class is a part of ecofem

On Thu, 27 Apr 1995, Bertina Miller wrote:

> Anyone out there for a good classless society? I dont think its feasible, 
> but maybe im too skeptical.

Has anyone else in this group spent time on the futurework discussion 
list?  They've had some VERY interesting discussions about classless (as 
in economic) societies, and I read some fascinating posts from Canadian 
thinkers in particular.  I didn't reach any conclusions, but I'd suggest 
a browse of material which was posted between December and February if 
you want to look at some (to me, at least) new ideas.

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Apr 27 18:43:29 MDT 1995
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Golden)
Subject: Looking for 'leftest'discussion groups
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Faith Freewoman)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 95 17:41:10 PDT
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950427171410.3125N-100000@case>; from "Faith Freewoman" at 
Apr 27, 95 6:18 pm

Hi, Faith wrote:> 
> Has anyone else in this group spent time on the futurework discussion 
> list?  

        -Faith, I would be interested. Can you post the address? 

Also, generally, I'm interested in learning about other left to very left 
lists. Do other members know of other left oriented lists? (I don't mean 
'liberal' ;-). I would be happy to compile a list of lists if I get any 
responses. For instance, here in California there is a Chiapas list and 
also an anti prop-187 list(thats the fascist anti-immigrant proposition 
that was recently voted in). Any others??

Thanks in advance -- 

Michael Golden


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