>Shawn wrote in response to Al-
>"I appreciate the fact that you want to be an
>>allie in ending the oppression of women but statements such as this,
>>>         (Other males are mad as hell about reverse
>>>         discrimination caused by Affirmative Action, and they have a right
>>>         to be since they aren't responsible for what went before.
>>show a strong ingnorance of basic feminism."
>And then later she said-
>"I don't expect everyone on this list to be versed in feminist thought,
>>nor do I expect that we'll agree on everything.  But, this is the ecoFeminism
>>list and feminism should be a given.  I personally don't want to continually
>>educate people on this list about the fact that women are oppressed. "
>Writing as one of the members of this list who is usually content to just
>"listen", I feel I must respond to Shawn's comments in this instance.
>To begin with, it was certainly not clear to me that Al, in his comments,
>was attempting to deny that women have actually ever been oppressed. Al may
>have made some statements which are debatable, and some which may sound
>naive to those who have spent more time reading widely and discussing with
>others for years on feminist topics, but as I read his comments, there was
>no doubt in my mind of his enthusiasm for the feminist cause.
>Just as Shawn is tempted to unsubscribe to this list when she receives
>"dumb" statements like those from Al, I personally do not want to belong to
>a list where the members have all read the same books, and are all tired of
>educating those who have less developed opinions, and who retain energy only
>for the opportunity to debate amongst the "feminist elite" issues which are
>likely to have been well and truely thrashed out in those circles already.
>Al is an individual who is interested in ecofeminist issues and whose
>comments, as I have experienced since belonging to the list, are often
>thought-provoking to other members.  I feel frustrated and saddened by the
>intolerance and narrow-minded approach of those who in reality should be
>aiming to educate more of the world to be broad-minded and to listen to the
>views of each individual.
>A little more security in yourself and wisdom in your responses to those who
>are genuinely interested in becoming involved in your cause would be a far
>more constructive approach, and one which would win far greater respect at
>least from my corner of the globe.
>Jenny from New Zealand.>

Jenny, I agree with the majority of what you are saying however, Al has
perhaps been posting for longer than you have been reading.  We have been
patient, we have educated him yet he still comes up wiht the same
patriarchial statements such as

I want to help you women in your cause   (condescending and patronising)

Women are not disadvantaged in the work force, (incorrect and definately a
patriachial position)

I do not agree that Al is interested in feminist issues, I think he is
playing wiht us and is a male chauvinist pig of the most dangerous order.


  "Interesting:  Your people glorified organised violence for 40 centuries,
but you imprison those who employ it privately."
 Mr Spock. Star Trek 'Dagger of the Mind'

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