         Guess I'm being paradoxical again.  On one hand I'm advocating 
        going with the anthropocentric approach because humans are in 
        charge and we can't uninvent things.  (Maybe some day we can?)  On 
        the other hand I'm advocating replacing the patriarchal system with 
        a partnership model, even though doing that is also a monumental 
        task.  My only consistency is that I put the welfare of humans 
        first in both cases.  (I believe the patriarchal system is bad for 

        Peer pressure is the key - working to build consensus to change the 
        system.  On the global level, I think we ARE moving (slowly) 
        towards a new world order with things like the Internet to 
        eventually be able to take a worldwide vote on things such as 
        protecting whales.  Unfortunately, the current enforcement 
        mechanism (the U.N.) is extremely weak.

        Population - IS relatively under control in the developed 
        countries.  Most of the work is needed in developing countries.  
        Maybe if we, the developed countries, work harder on our per capita 
        consumption problem we'd have more credibility in trying to 
        convince developing countries to use birth control.

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