------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
     An Australian National Conference on Approaches To Bioregional 
     Planning will be held for Monday 30 October to Wednesday 1 November 
     1995 in Melbourne, Australia.
     "The conference will provide a valuable opportunity to develop a broad 
     appreciation of the benefits of bioregional planning for the 
     conservation of biodiversity and ecologically sustainable development. 
      It will be a forum for demonstrating and examining practical methods 
     for bioregional planning"
     The conference program and registration brochure can be found at:
     This is located on the Environmental Resources Information Network 
     world wide web server - http://www.erin.gov.au
     This message has been posted on Biodiv-L and consbio.  You're welcome 
     to post it on other relevant lists.
     David Boughey
     Biodiversity Unit
     Environment Strategies Directorate
     Commonwealth Department of the Environment,
     Sport and Territories
     GPO Box 787
     Australia  2601
     19 September 1995

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