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On October 5-6, 1995, Hamline Law School and the Journal of Law and
Religion will co-sponsor "Women and Men, Human Rights and Spirituality,"
focussing on the tensions between universal human rights for women and
religious/cultural pluralism.  A sample of papers includes:  Toward a
Womanist Jurisprudence of Gender Rights, Islamic Spiritual Activism and
the Female Voice, Maintaining Male Dominance in Conservative
Institutions, Will International Human Rights be Used as a Tool of
Cultural Genocide, and Women, Reproduction, Rights Language and the
Dilemma of Talking Justice.  Law, religion and philosophy speakers include
Azizah al-Hibri, Stephen Carter, Okianer Christian Dark, Richard Duncan,
Emily Fowler Hartigan, Ann Juergens, Cathy Kaveny, Steve Sheinberg,
David Smolin, Christine Venter, Beverly Harrison, Aminah Beverly
McCloud, Louis Newman, Anne E. Patrick, Lucinda Peach, Doug Sturm, Amina
Wadud-Muhsin, and Robin Darling Young.

Advance (cheaper) registration deadline for the symposium is September 22.
The Journal is also accepting manuscripts for a symposium issue on
gender, human rights and spirituality (not necessarily limited to the
above types of issues) until December 1, 1995.  The Journal sends its
manuscripts to academic/professional referees for evaluation.

For a symposium brochure or call for papers, please get your mailing
address to:
    JoAnne Matson
    e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    fax:  (612) 641-2236
    phone:  (612) 641-2082
    address:  below

Marie A. Failinger                          Voice: (612) 641-2124
Professor of Law                            Fax:   (612) 641-2236
Hamline University School of Law            E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
1536 Hewitt Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota USA 55104-1284

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