In a message dated 98-12-02 22:36:33 EST, you write:

<< Once again, you assert that it is your way or no way, and once 
 again, I must disagree.  Losing our human individuality in some 
 spiritual totalitarianism is not the answer, and never will be.   Joe

Joe, I do not think that humans should lose their individuality - I am in awe
of diversity of life - including human - uniting in spirit would not dimmish
our individuality but unit our spirits.  We are not just spirits we are
Mind/Body and Spirit - so our individuality is the total sum of those.

"There are many paths to the light - Is that what you are saying?  Christian
spirituality - is a very good one!  Is what I am saying.  Because Christ's
teachings  covers all the bases - wholistic love of self, neighbor, other
life, God and spirit.
Fills you up with love of life/tangible and intangible.
That is the goal _ to the light and wholistic life (whole/full/life) -right -
why you ask?  That is where harmony and love is - at the light! When yin and
yang are together, when good and bad marry to create good - balance/harmony   

That is really what we are all working for - isn't it - harmony and love - the
feeling of belonging together, working together for some common good, helping
protect and preserve what we love - That is what spirituality brings a sense
of doing this for some other reason then self-gratification - we humble
ourselves to the fact that we did not create ourselves or this Earth and we
can not recreate it.  We came from somewhere - that original somewhere is the
realm of creation - we owe that somewhere our very lives - don't we?  I think
so. - It/He/She/Them created me, you, them-everything!  God, The creator to me
created that realm  - where all creation was created - that creator has given
us a Holy Spirit - we receive that spirit - when we become spiritual and
believe in God- that spirit works within us and around us - but we have to
open our minds and our hearts to spirituality- to that truth we need holy

Remember you said we do not have to unify that spirit- This is in direct reply
to that - unifying is acknowledging that we know that we all originally came
from the same realm - agreeing that we were originally created equal with our
individuality we are unique creations in many ways yet united in spirit - for
the Earth, for the creator(s) of Earth for each other - united in Spirit.  If
you think you do not have a spirit - may I suggest you find it!  Meditate,
prayer, WONDER about life - when you realize that it is true you are unique in
mind and body, you are Mind/Body/Spirit - it will mystify you!


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