I'm new at thinking about ecofeminst theory, but it seems to me that if we
allow ourselves to think of the earth and all on it as something to "rule"
than we are thinking dualistically. People/Nature. People have the power
to rule nature and as you believe this right is given to us by god.
another dichotomy. god/people god ruling people. this dualistic thinking
is exactly what allows patriarchal society to make the dichotomy man/woman
and man rules woman. this kind of dualistic thinking filters into race,
sexual orientation, class. . . essentially everything. i was thinking that
the belief that god rules people. . . god is better (for lack of another
term) than people. . .begins the notion that we have to select one part of
any dichotomy to "rule" the other, instead of things being equal. (could
somebody tell me if I'm way off the mark?)

And to be honest I don't even want to begin to discuss my thoughts on what
"God says." I am not Christian. I respect that you are, and I'm thrilled
if Christianity provides a context for you to understand your

I was a little disturbed to read your post to Joe. Your
rhetoric seemed to be charged with a tone that you know something that
others do not, and that once they see things your way, they will be
"mystified" as you are.  Again I will say, that not everyone believes in the
Mind/Spirit/Body connection. You believe this connection to be true, but
truth is subjective. What is true for you is not true for me. I understand
and accept that to you believe the  mind/spirit/body connection is a
truth. I believe differently than you, but I do not expect you to accept
my thoughts as some kind of universal truth, it is only my truth.  I
do not want to discuss my beliefs on what "God says" because I have no
desire to belittle your truth by saying mine is "better." 

Trying to understand other's truths, allows us to connect with them. I
will never agree with you. I will never adopt your "truth" as my own. But
I will respect it as a valid truth for you. Can you accept that an
individual's rejection of spirituality is a valid truth for that person?

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