>re>animal rights
>In response to Brian Luke's "... if for some reason we must insist on deriving
>our ethics by looking at other animals, why focus on the 20% of animal species
>who are predators, rather than the 80% who are vegetarians?  Instead of
>insisting on the human right to "kill with the grace of a cat," why not
>celebrate our capacity to enact veganism with the peace and dignity of a
>mountain gorilla--at least then we'd be copying a fellow primate!"  --
>Was it chimpanzees or gorillas that have been found to not only be
>"occasionally" carniverous, but cannibalistic?
>Sorry not to be able to find the source, Rebecca Ross.


Yes, on very rare occassions do chimpanzees eat flesh of another animal.
On these rare occasions, they usually hunt the animal down.  However, i
have never read anywhere that chimps are cannibalistic...but maybe i'm


"...We learned to be patient observers like the owl.  We learned cleverness
from the crow, and courage from the jay, who will attack an owl ten times
its size to drive it off its territory.  But above all of them ranked the
chickadee because of its indomitable spirit."
                                             --Tom Brown, Jr., _The Tracker_

"To realize that you do not understand is a virtue;
 Not to realize that you do not understand is a defect."
                                             --Lao Tzu, _Tao Te Ching_

"If i can't dance, i don't want to be part of your revolution"
                                             --Emma Goldman
Eric Dee     /o)\
F&M #401     \(o/
P.O. Box 3220
Lancaster, PA  17604-3220
Voice: (717) 399-5815

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