May I add to the bibliography list of Tao/Buddism literature:

_Long Quiet Highway_  by Natalie Goldberg.

Natalie Goldberg is an American writer who, in this book, tells the story of
her struggle to progress as a writer.  In the process, she encounters Zen
Buddhism.  She relates her process of integrating the wisdom of Buddhist
spirituality into her life and work, and shares the infinite insights into life
and the essence of spirituality given her by various Zen masters who she
studied under.  The book isn't a Zen manual or anything, but may help those
interested to couple a different way of thinking about things with how it could

apply to our everyday lives and help us deal with the struggles we discuss on
this list.  (I'm not saying it has the answers, just different ways to look at
things.  Kind of a hands-on approach, if you will.)

Natalie Alane

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