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Mark Your Calendars and Register Early!                                                

                                            U L S F

                                          Association of
                             U N I V E R S I T Y   L E A D E R S
                                             F O R   A   
                                S U S T A I N A B L E  F U T U R E

                                                formerly the 
            Secretariat of University Presidents for a Sustainable Future
                                             SEVENTH  ANNUAL  
                               A program of the ULSF Secretariat

                                         June 10 - 19, 1996
                                 Tufts University, Medford, MA

    "I came to Tufts expecting a good program . . . What I discovered was       
    a phenomenal program which was truly inspiring and invigorating."
                            Professor D.J. Howell, J.D., Environmental  Law Center
                            Vermont School of Law, 1995 TELI participant

     The award-winning Environmental Literacy Institute at Tufts 
University (TELI) brings together educators from around the world in an 
interactive exploration of environment and development dynamics within 
an ecosystem health-human health framework.  Utilizing an experiential, 
case-based format, TELI links environmental literacy concepts with the 
theory and practice of teaching. 
INTERDISCIPLINARY EDUCATION  ________________________________
     Environmental literacy entails an understanding of the fundamental 
relationships between healthy ecosystems and human well-being, leading 
to policies and practices that foster ecological intergrity.  The goal is  
to educate students across disciplines to be environmentally conscious 
decisionmakers and actiontakers.

ENVIRONMENT AS PEDAGOGY  __________________________________
     Integrating environmental issues into the classroom provides a rich, 
contextual, and practical educational experience for students.  The TELI 
faculty development workshop is an intensive, 10-day course grounded in 
educational theory and based on participatory learning.  Each year TELI 
selects specific cases for use as experiential teaching and learning 
examples.  From this base, the web of interconnected factors of 
environmental issues are explored.  
     Participants are challenged to address why, what, and how they teach 
from an interdisciplinary perspective, as well as how research, 
institutional citizenship, and outreach contribute to environmental 
literacy.  The often conflicting social, ecological, economic, cultural, and 
political ramifications of environmental problems are examined.  Cases 
also provide a framework from which to address engineering and 
technological issues.  These include: life-cycle analysis, design for 
environment, market-driven technolgical innovations and world trade, 
and industrial responsible care ethics.

AN EXPERIENTIAL APPROACH __________________________________        
     Institute participants are exposed to the most current educational 
theory, teaching strategies, and assessment techniques.  Instructional 
methods used throughout the course include:

-- Expert presentations: learn from leading professionals in the fields of 
biology, public health, ecology, sociology, engineering, business, science 
and technology.

-- Interactive multi-media technology: gain exposure to innovative 
multi-media techniques and programs.

-- Site visits: tour "life cycle" processes from start to finish, discover 
human effects on natural areas, and explore local communities affected 
by environmental problems.

-- Dialogue with industry and community representatives: interact with 
and interview individuals, organizations, and institutions for research on 
collective projects.

-- Campus as laboratory and classroom: use the campus as a point source 
to explore the effects of institutional practices on the local area.

-- Demonstrations of success: participate in classroom exercises of 
team taught courses and reviews of revised curricula.

     In completion of the course, participants collaborate in teams to 
create new curricula and learning projects.

RESULTS  _________________________________________________
     TELI participants are equipped to design courses and motivational 
instructional experiences that incorporate ecological concepts and 
empower students to move from knowledge to action.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND  _______________________________________
     TELI courses are designed for program directors, department chairs, 
and university faculty from all disciplines in the sciences, liberal arts, 
and professional schools.  Participants have also included secondary 
school teachers, and curriculum and professional development 

LOCATION AND SCHEDULE  ____________________________________
     The seventh annual TELI will take place June 10-19, 1996, at Tufts 
University in Medford, Massachusetts.  The Medford campus is located on 
a picturesque hill overlooking Boston, Massachusetts, just four miles 
from the downtown metropolitan area.  The campus is conveniently 
located near bus and train lines with direct access to the surrounding 
Cambridge and Boston area.
     The Institute operates 10 full days from 8:30am to 5:00pm.  Several 
days of site visits and evening sessions are also included.

ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS  _________________________________  
     Participants may reserve housing in dormitories on the Tufts Medford 
campus through the Tufts Conference Bureau.  Single and double rooms 
are available.  Meals can be purchased at several dining facilities on 
campus, and there are also many inexpensive restaurants located in the 
surrounding area. 

COURSE TUITION  ____________________________________________
     Discount tuition rates are available for ULSF member institutions.  
The cost for participants from member institutions is $950. US.  The cost 
for participants from non-member institutions is $1,200. US.  Fees 
include all course materials, field trips, continental breakfasts and 
refreshments during breaks (on classroom days) and use of Tufts 
University facilities including libraries, computer laboratories, and the 
athletic center. 
FOR MORE INFORMATION  ______________________________________ 
Contact Julie Newman, TELI Coordinator at:

               ULSF Secretariat               Phone: (617) 627-3464
              177 College Avenue            Fax:  (617) 627-3099
               Medford, MA  02155 USA   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                     APPLICATION DEADLINE IS  MARCH 29, 1996

    "If education is about change, I returned from TELI changed, more     
    aware, more motivated, more committed, with a store of examples
    of good practice and ideas of ways in which they can be implemented."   
                                Dr. Angus McWilliam, Faculty of Education
                                Strathclyde University, UK, 1995 TELI participant

APPLICATION FORM: Seventh Annual Environmental Literacy Institute 
                                at Tufts University,   June 10 - June 19, 1996

Name:  ___________________________________________________

Institution:  _______________________________________________

Work Address:  ____________________________________________


City:  _________________  State/Province:  ___________________

Postal Code:  ___________________  Country:  ___________________

Home phone: (______)__________ Work phone: (_____)___________

Fax number: (______)__________  E-mail address: _________________

Institutional Status:

(    )  Full professor     (    )  Assistant/Associate/Adjunct Professor     
(    )  Lecturer (part time)     (    )  Other (please specify):      

Tuition Status:  Tuition covers all workshop materials, field trips, and 
use of Tufts facilities (libraries, computer labs, athletic center)

(  )  ULSF Member Institution: $950  (  )  Non-member Institution: $1,200

Method of Payment:  Total Payment:_________________

(    )  Check payable to : TELI/Tufts University  ($250 deposit required)     
(    )  P.O. enclosed

Housing:  (    )  Please send information on Tufts housing and local hotels.

Application Deadline: February 15, 1996.  Enrollment is limited and early 
registration is encouraged.  Reservations will be accepted by phone, fax, 
or electronic mail, but space cannot be guaranteed until receipt of 

Mail To: ULSF Secretariat
             Tufts University
             177 College Avenue
             Medford, MA  02155

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Centre for Resource Management/
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University
Aotearoa New Zealand
Phone:  (64) (03) 325-2811 x8377
Fax:    (64) (03) 325-3841

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