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From: Carmela Epright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                                        Call for Papers
                                   Fifth Annual Conference
                      Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World

                        Intersubjectivity: Self, Other and Lifeworld

                                     August 9 -15, 1998
                                    YMCA of the Rockies,
                                    Estes Park, Colorado

                                  PAPERS DUE March 1, 1998

          You are Invited to Submit Papers, Panels, and Suggestions for Book
Sessions on topics such as:

          Dimensions of Intersubjectivity
               Comparison of positions =

               (eg. Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Buber, Levinas etc.)
               Concepts of intersubjectivity
               The metaphysics of intesubjectivity

          Subjectivity and Alterity
               Embodiment and perception
               Knowledge of the Other
               Intersubjectivity and Language
               Ethics and Alterity
               Concepts of self

          Intersubjectivity and Knowledge
               Intersubjectivity and theories of knowledge
               Embodied knowledge
               Intersubjectivity and the production of knowledge

          Intersubjectivity and Phil. Of Science
               Scientific theory  (theory choice, construction etc)
               Scientific experiementation

          Intersubjectivity in Psychology (eg. Therapy & analysis)
          Intersubjectivity and Social Sceince
          Intersubjectivity and Cognitive Sceince, AI, Neuroscience

          Intersubjectivity and Phil. Of History
               History and Meaning
                   Hermeneutics=0C    Intersubjectivity and Lifeworld
               Action, Interaction and Relationship
               Intimacy and institutions
               Lifeworld and systems
               Belonging and alienation

          Intersubjectivty and Social Regions
               The Face-to-Face
               Public and Private Spheres
               Privacy and community
               Community and public processes (institutions)

          Intersubjectivity and Power
               Legitimatization and Politics
               Race and Culture =

               Nationalism and postnationalism
               Postcolonialism and Otherness

          Technology, Geography and the Environment =

               public lands and private use
               architecture and the politics of space
               technology and intersubjective experience
               Shared space

              Intersubjectivity and Perspectives on Sex, Gender and Sexuality

oSend three copies of the final paper oor proposal suitable for
annonomous review. Papers should not exceed 20-30 minutes reading time
(15 pages). Please also send an abstract of the paper and a brief (one
paragraph) autobiographical sketch suitable for publication in the
conference program. Papers will not be included in the final program
unless we receive an abstract and biography. Volunteers to be session chairs
are welcome

          For more information about the society, the journal,
and the annual conference contact

o  Submit papers to:

          M. Carmela Epright
          Department of Philosophy
          Loyola University - Chicago
          6525 Sheridan Road
          Chicago, IL 60626

          For information:

          Richard Cohen
          Department of Religious Studies
          University of North Carolina at Charlotte
          Charlotte, North Carolina 28223

          James B. Sauer
          Department of Philosophy
          St. Mary's University
          San Antonio, Texas 78228-8566

Linda Lopez McAlister, Editor, HYPATIA; Listowner SWIP-L; Chair
Dept. of Women's Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa.
Tel. 813-974-0982/FAX [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 56
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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