
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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From: JoAnne Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Call for Proposals: Through the Looking Glass: Feminism & Popular
Culture for Conference October 28,2000 SUNY New Paltz, NY

The 23rd annual conference of the SUNY New Paltz Women's Studies
program will address the power of popular culture and feminism;
exploring the complexity of the relationship tofemale autonomy
and power.  The conference will incorporate a cross cultural and
historical perspective.

We invite proposals for workshops, panels, presentation and
performance pieces.  We encourtage performative and interactive
workshops (sessions are 1.5 hours long, but other formats are
available).Issues that can be explored include, but are not limitedto
the nature of cultural icons, changing images of women in advertising
women's fashion, the portrayal of women of color and lesbians in the me d
media, the protrayal of women's history, and other representations of
women in popular culture.

Proposals should include:
1. one page descriptions, including how it relates to the confernce
theme, the topics and the activities it will include;
2. Name and short description of relevant experience of (each)
presenter: and
3. Name, address, phone and e-mail address of contact person.

Proposals should be sent to Confernce Coordinating Committee, Women's
Studies Program, SUNY New Paltz 12561 or faxed to 914.257.2798
for more information call 914.257.2975 or 2977

Deadline June 15, 2000
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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