Hello all,

I am doing some research on the topic of women in sports and I am
focusing on female endurance athletes. If anyone knows of any applicable
resources for this topic, and/or bibliographic suggestions for this area
I would great appreciate it!


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Jun  8 17:04:43 1998
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue,  9 Jun 1998 10:59:06 +1200 (NZS)
 09 Jun 1998 10:58:16 +1200
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 10:57:53 +1200
Subject: ECOFEM Protocol & (Un)subscribing Directions

Hello ECOFEMers!

Here's the (late) monthly reminder about general protocol on ECOFEM 
as well as directions regarding (un)subscribing.  The procedures 
outlined below should help with digesting (bundling) messages as well 
as unsubscribing from the list.  If other issues arise, please do not 
hesitate to contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Please keep 
these instructions handy, so you do not clutter the list with 
requests to unsubscribe.)

Hope these help you negotiate within ECOFEM.  Thanks to everyone for 
participating, and I hope all those who have special celebrations 
planned for the end of the year enjoy themselves!

                                Stefanie S. Rixecker
                                ECOFEM Co-ordinator
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Participatory Protocol:

    1.  ACTIVE LISTENING/READING: Conscious attention to and respect 
        for a speaker's/writer's words =and= potential meanings is 
        important. If there's an interpretive problem, please 
        seek clarification before "flaming."  Lively discussions and 
        exchanges are welcome and encouraged, using the following 
    2.  RESPECT:  Show consideration for alternative viewpoints in a 
        manner which continues dialogue without denigrating the 
        dignity of other participants.
     3.  DIGNITY: Remember and acknowledge the personal integrity 
        (physical, intellectual, emotional, psychological, and 
        spiritual) of EACH participant.
     4.  REFLEXIVITY: Be willing to employ self-critique and consider 
         collegial constructive criticism.

Technical Protocol:

    1.  SIGNATURE:  Remember to "sign" your e-mail address at the end 
        of messages.  This allows participants to contact you 
        directly, especially when your address isn't automatically 
        added to the e-mail header.
    2.  LENGTH:  Please be considerate about the length of your 
        postings.  Messages should fit within 3 screens.  Some 
        participants pay to attend ECOFEM, and concise messages 
        enhance the value of their service.
    3.  ON TOPIC:  While ECOFEM covers a range of topics within the 
        "Studies on Women and Environment" banner, this does not mean 
        "anything goes."  Please be sure to relate postings back to 
        this general label.
Commands for Negotiating ECOFEM:        

All commands are sent to the following address:

The commands are placed within the body of the message, NOT on the 
subject line.


    Unsub ecofem
For DIGESTing (bundling) mail, type:

    set ecofem mail digest

Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Division of Environmental Management & Design
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 56
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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