Hear hear!


On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, bunny wrote:

> Angela wrote>>Hello?  I am Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-peace without violence!
> I was implying that even those yet in womb may have rights.  Do we know for
> sure that they do not?  How can we guarantee to the people who believe in
> eternal life that life yet to be has not been planned in advance by a God
> who created the eternal wheel?  What evidence do YOU have that there is not
> some plan beyond our own understanding?
> ++Angela, it is up to you to prove there is a God if you believe there is a
> God planning births in advance (does God also render some couples infertile ?
> - the couples that spend thousands of dollars and years on the IVF
> program???) and if you believe that there is a plan, prove that this is so.
> Don't expect others to disprove YOUR *belief* of the existence of a God and
> YOUR *belief* of the existence of a divine plan. 
> Marguerite
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