Angela wrote>>Hello?  I am Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-peace without violence!
I was implying that even those yet in womb may have rights.  Do we know for
sure that they do not?  How can we guarantee to the people who believe in
eternal life that life yet to be has not been planned in advance by a God
who created the eternal wheel?  What evidence do YOU have that there is not
some plan beyond our own understanding?

++Angela, it is up to you to prove there is a God if you believe there is a
God planning births in advance (does God also render some couples infertile ?
- the couples that spend thousands of dollars and years on the IVF
program???) and if you believe that there is a plan, prove that this is so.
Don't expect others to disprove YOUR *belief* of the existence of a God and
YOUR *belief* of the existence of a divine plan. 


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  |     |}    Pity the human race its illusion of permanence     (|   |)/    
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