Thanks Topaz, for the info

> From: Topaz Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Julia Butterfly
> Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 2:40 PM
> Haven't seen anything about Julia since David Chain's death.  But here's
a number where
> you can get info about Luna:  415.337.4302
> --
> A human being is part of a whole, called by us the universe.  He
experiences himself, his
> thoughts and his feelings, as something apart from the rest, a kind of
optical delusion of
> his consciousness.  The delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting
us to our
> personal desires and to affection for a few persons closest to us.  Our
task must be to
> free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to
embrace all living
> creatures. - Albert Einstein
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 23 11:49:14 1998
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 01:52:33 +0800
From: bunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3 more children die as victims of domestic violence

3 more deaths from domestic violence

Father and children found dead in Perth
(Western Australia)
Friday 23 October, 1998 (2:59am AEST)  
  A Perth man who was believed to be upset over a Family Court custody
ruling has been found dead, along with his three children.

Police had been searching for 35-year-old Ronald Jonker and his children,
aged seven, five, and 17 months, after he failed to return the children to
their mother on Wednesday.

It is believed Mr Jonkers was angry with a Family Court decision that
awarded his wife principal custody of the children.

The four bodies were found in a car at Regans Ford near Gin Gin, about 90
kilometres north of Perth. 

 /`\   /`\             RABBIT INFORMATION SERVICE:                _   _
(/\ \-/ /\)    P.O.Box 30, Riverton, Western Australia 6148      (.\_/.) 
   )6 6(       \6 6/   
 >{= Y =}<                   VEGETARIAN PAGE                      =\ /= 
  /'-^-'\          http://www.geocities/RainForest/4620            /O\   /
 (_)   (_)                                                        /   \ (       
  |  .  |                                                         U   U  ) 
  |     |}    Pity the human race its illusion of permanence     (|   |)/    
  \_/^\_/                                                         w'-'w 

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