At Fri, 22 Jan 1999 05:07:00 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 1/21/99 6:56:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,
><< hose you purport to judge and condemn.
> > >>
>I suppose if you had friends who were enslaved, tortured, and murdered, you
>would be very loving towards those who participated in those actions, and have
>no condemnation or love whatsoever.
>Unfortunately (or fortunately), we aren't living in static times.
>Abolitionists always face these choices. Again, I would love to be able to
>take the easy position of loving and live and let live. But it's live and let
>kill, and someone must speak on the behalf of the victims.  I'm not doing this
>to be superior. I don't feel superior. But I do speak on behalf of the
>victims, and will continue to do so. It's a justice issue.
Are you real, or just an argumentative similacrum?  Recently, a disruptive character 
with the nick of The Hyperborean joined another list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and 
pissed everyone off with his holier-than-thou, insulting, dismissive, contemptuous, 
condescending  remarks.  After putting the list through an emotional shredder, he came 
clean, admitted that he was conducting performance art for a college class, and asked 
for the names of other lists upon which he could perpetrate this fraud.  This wouldn't 
happen to be you, would it?  You certainly fill the bill.
Joe E. Dees
Poet, Pagan, Philosopher

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