At Thu, 21 Jan 1999 20:04:01 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 1/21/99 3:31:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,
><< HOW DARE YOU accuse nonveggies of being sick sadists, taking cruel pleasure
>in animal terror and pain!   >>
>How Dare we ask German citizens just what their role was in Concentration
>I'm against genetic manipulation as well.
>You know, I'm "Sorry" that we have to put the ethical implications of these
>things in people's faces. It hurts, yes it does. You know why it hurts?
>Because slaughter, torture, and enslavement just aren't nice things. And if we
>are full of fire or inflammatory statements, then as a famous Abolitionist
>said in response, "we have glaciers to melt". Social change is not always
>easy, it's not always pleasant. Sometimes there is no easy way to put the
>ethical implications of a person's actions in their face.
The only thing that would make you happy is if all domesticated animals were 
eliminated and only wild ones remained.  Good-bye dogs, cats, cattle, horses, any life 
forms with which we may have historically had  symbiotic relationships; they remind us 
that we have used our intellect to dominate them, so we have to kill most of them (for 
many cannot live on their own - see the "free the pekingese' thread - and the 
biosphere will not support the captive number of the others, were they set free to 
starve), and keep the others out of our shamed sight.  Then, maybe we could learn ant 
language, and explain to them how horrific their captivity of aphids is.  BTW, I am 
forwarding your demeaning comparison to the JDL, AIPAC and Bnai Brith; I'm sure they 
will not appreciate being equated to livestock, or their murderers to farmers thinning 
out herds, any more than the rest of us.
Joe E. Dees
Poet, Pagan, Philosopher

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