At Sat, 23 Jan 1999 23:52:09 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 1/23/99 8:39:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,
><< I'm the arrogant one?  When you're the one comparing meat-eating humans (we
>are, after all, natural omnivores) to Nazi fellow-travelers?  Physician, Heal
>Thy Self! >>
>Ok, if you use a lampshade made out of the skin of Jewish humans, isn't this
>going to make you pause and consider your complicity in the actions of the
>concentration camps? It doesn't necessarily make you one of the torturers, but
>it does involve you in participation in their acts.
>Similarly, those who use meat that has been made out of the flesh of animals
>within the factory farming system -- a concentration camp for animals in which
>their species-life is deprived, they are jailed without crime, mutilated,
>terrorized, and slaughtered -- are participating in that crime, mutilation,
>terror, and slaughter. That doesn't mean that those people are the butchers
>themselves, but again this might be pause for considering one's complicity in
>the actions of those crimes.
>In both cases, we have horrible things being done to feeling, aware beings.
>Despite cognitive differences, both can experience fear, pain, emotion, desire
>for life, desire for a certain species-freedom or species-conditions ..
>I don't want ANY feeling, aware being to be subjected to those conditions! I
>want neither gypsy, Jew, cow, homosexual, pig, or chicken subject to those
>conditions! I think those conditions are abhorrent! 
I think that you are more obnoxious, holier-than-thou, and self-righteously arrogant 
than any Jehovah's Witness, Southern Baptist, or Assembly of God-er I've ever met.
Joe E. Dees
Poet, Pagan, Philosopher

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