In a message dated 1/23/99 8:39:54 PM Pacific Standard Time,

<< I'm the arrogant one?  When you're the one comparing meat-eating humans (we
are, after all, natural omnivores) to Nazi fellow-travelers?  Physician, Heal
Thy Self! >>

Ok, if you use a lampshade made out of the skin of Jewish humans, isn't this
going to make you pause and consider your complicity in the actions of the
concentration camps? It doesn't necessarily make you one of the torturers, but
it does involve you in participation in their acts.

Similarly, those who use meat that has been made out of the flesh of animals
within the factory farming system -- a concentration camp for animals in which
their species-life is deprived, they are jailed without crime, mutilated,
terrorized, and slaughtered -- are participating in that crime, mutilation,
terror, and slaughter. That doesn't mean that those people are the butchers
themselves, but again this might be pause for considering one's complicity in
the actions of those crimes.

In both cases, we have horrible things being done to feeling, aware beings.
Despite cognitive differences, both can experience fear, pain, emotion, desire
for life, desire for a certain species-freedom or species-conditions ...

I don't want ANY feeling, aware being to be subjected to those conditions! I
want neither gypsy, Jew, cow, homosexual, pig, or chicken subject to those
conditions! I think those conditions are abhorrent! 

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