Hello ECOFEMers--

This is the monthly reminder concerning subscription to ECOFEM.  If 
you choose to unsubscribe, please use the instructions below rather 
than sending your request to the list.  Following the protocol means 
the rest of the list members are not bogged down by irrelevant e-mail 
messages which result in excessive financial and/or time commitments.

The participation protocol for conversing on ECOFEM are also included, and I'd 
like everyone to take this opportunity to refresh themselves about 
the list's general "rules."  In particular, please note my comments 
on "flaming" in the protocol under Courtesy (see below) as flaming incidents 
become very boring and detract from other participants' enjoyment of the list.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding ECOFEM, 
please feel free to contact me, as your ECOFEM coordinator, and I'll 
see what I can do.

In peace,

Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator


For the commands listed below, send your messages to:


Do NOT send them to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address as the entire 
list will read them and no action can be taken by the system's 

In order to UNSUBSCRIBE from the list, send this command in the 
message space:

unsub ecofem

If you wish to bundle your messages (rather than receive each one 
separately), you can command the system to create a message "digest" 
by sending the following message:

set ecofem mail digest

At this point, I'd also like to take the opportunity to remind you of 
the general protocol for participting on ECOFEM.  There are four key 
protocol which include:

ACTIVE LISTENING--hearing & listening (i.e., reading & understanding) 
are not identicial; conscious attention to respect for a speaker's 
words AND potential meanings is essential.  Since "active listening" 
sometimes requires clarification, especially in a medium such as the 
internet, please be sure to ask for clarification and interpretion 
PRIOR TO "flaming" someone.  The "problem" may simply require some 
improved communication.

RESPECT--showing consideration for alternative viewpoints in a manner 
which continues dialogue without denigrating the dignity of other 

DIGNITY--remembering and acknowledging the personal integrity 
(physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual) of EACH 

REFLEXIVITY--a willingness to employ self-critique and consider 
collegial constructive criticism.

In addition to these protocol, a few netiquette procedures also 

(1) STAY ON TOPIC--although ECOFEM is diverse & covers a range of 
topics, please try to stay focused upon the connections with women & 
the environment.  If topics stray, please take the discussion off 
list, so the other members of ECOFEM are not distracted by the 

(2) STAY BRIEF--Although some topics cannot be discussed in short 
sound-bites, it is best to keep your messages to a total of two (2) 
computer screens.  Some subscribers pay for their use of ECOFEM and 
excessive band width increases their costs.  This is also true of all 
ECOFEM members in terms of their time, so try to stay focused and 
relatively brief.

(3) COURTESY--related to the protocol above, please try to retain 
common courtesy of conversation throughout the dialogue process.  It 
is often quite simple to miscommunicate on the internet, so please 
make an extra effort to clarify positions prior to jumping into 
arguments or "flaming" others.  As ECOFEM coordinator, I reserve the 
right to intercede in conversations and to remove individuals from 
the list (should such measures be required).

That's the end of our public service announcement.  Now, back to 
your regularly scheduled programming....

Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Division of Environmental Management & Design
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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