On March 30, R.L. Curry wrote

>IMHO, the root problem, ultimately, is too many people, period.
>Ecologists estimate that we ALREADY consume close to 25% of all the
>biological productivity (i.e., biologically collected solar energy)
>over the entire planet. If our population continues to grow
>exponentially, no shift in our diet from animal to plant will reduce
>this impact -- it could only slow the rate of further devastation
>(obviously better than no change from the status quo, but not
>sufficient in the long run to prevent the current wave of
>anthropogenic extinction).

I agree -- too many people!  What can we do about it?  And, to raise a
provocative question that I have no answer to, does the "earth-as-mother"
metaphor have any implications for how or whether we perceive the
overpopulation problem?

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